PRP For Spinal Stenosis & Vertebral Fractures
PRP For Spinal Stenosis & Vertebral Fractures Spinal Stenosis & Vertebral Fractures: Patient was involved in 2 motorcycle accidents resulting in disc herniations, ligament strains, and multiple fractures in several vertebrae on his Cervical and Lumbar Spine....
Spine and Neural Manipulation for Lumbar Stenosis and Bulging Discs
Spine and Neural Manipulation for Lumbar Stenosis and Bulging Discs This is the “Before” and “After” picture, following 10 min of Spinal Therapy and Neural Manipulation. After those 10 min of combined manual therapies and despite her multiple...
Traditional Lifestyle Creations Event
Traditional Lifestyle Creations Event A family oriented gathering to celebrate the 2 yr anniversary of “Traditional Lifestyle Creations” with Patty Holden, Therapeutic Nutritionist at her farm in St. Cloud, FL Presenting about the rejuvenating power of...