Gentle Acupuncture

Benefits of Gentle Acupuncture
- To help diminish inflammation and pain in the body
- To increase the general level of stamina and vitality
- To modulate and/or reinforce the ‘creating-generating cycle’ between the elements and promote general health, longevity and well being
- To execute the ‘corresponding element controlling cycles’ to modulate and balance excess situations, activities and/or functions of the body
- To pacify the mind / heart connection and balance the intellect, the will and the emotions
- To enhance memory, concentration and relaxation
- To enhance function of the organs of the senses
- To promote skin lifting and regeneration
- To promote healing on the different organs and systems of the body
- To increase the body’s lymphatic and blood circulation
- To enhance libido and reproductive function
- To balance the production of neurotransmitters, enzymes and hormones
- To correct disturbances of the different systems of the body
- To facilitate and enhance sleep patterns and profound, restorative rest
- To improve the function of the different organs and systems
- To improve the strength, stability and functionality of the arms, legs and spine
- To diminish stress, headaches, migraines, allergies and much more…
No Guarantee of Healing Policy
Despite our genuine commitment to be in service, noble ethical standards, and professional competence while providing the most appropriate and high quality level of care, there are no guarantees of successful treatment for any specific condition, nor promises of healing.
View Full Statement on our FAQ Page
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