Taking Control of Joint Pain with PRP and O3
Joint Pain Does Not Have To Stop You From Enjoying Life!
Joints are these amazing and complex structures that unite your arm to your hand, your thigh to your knee, your ribs to your breastbone, your head to your neck… Joints provide frictionless movement between bony surfaces, cushion and comfortable weight bearing; allowing you to move, to function and to enjoy life!!!
And that is the main thing, to enjoy life! But what to do when joints become so unstable, inflamed, painful and weak that they cannot allow us to perform our normal activities, have fun, feel safe and strong?

Is joint replacement the answer? If the problem has advanced too much, that might be the only option; but if you are not there yet and would like to prevent or delay that route of treatment, let us offer some light regarding natural, safe, and effective possibilities to recover joint stability, grow hyaline cartilage, thicken ligaments and tendons, repair bone surface, diminish chronic inflammation and halt pain.
At Health & Hope Institute, we offer several natural treatments that could really enhance the performance of your joints and delay their painful, debilitating and progressive degeneration and dysfunction.
The reason why some injured tissues repair fast and effectively and others do not, is directly related to the adequate distribution (perfusion) of nutrients and oxygen into those tissues. It is also crucial to have byproducts (residues and waste material) of metabolism readily removed from the tissues and joint spaces to avoid chronic inflammation and accumulation of lactic acid that causes pain.
Regenerative Injection Therapy
It is a medical procedure that safely and effectively brings sterilized natural agents and nutrients directly to the areas where are needed.
Chronic inflammation inside the joint does not allow proper delivery of nutrients and removal of waste from the area that is affected. Other reasons for poor joint nutrition are toxicity, diminished integrity of digestive, circulatory and lymphatic systems, emotional conflict, repeated use and physical trauma; the joints and tissues may not receive the nutrients that are needed to grow healthy, to repair any damage and to continue regenerating.
You probably have heard or received injections of steroids (Cortisone) to diminish pain and inflammation quickly. It is advisable not to have more than 3 steroid injections on a joint within a year. They may be effective to quiet the pain for few weeks or a couple of months, but unfortunately, over the long run, Cortisone weakens the immune system (defense mechanism and protection of our bodies) making the body more prone to infections. Cortisone breaks down fat and muscle cells providing the medium for the development of an infected abscess. When nerves and blood vessels enter in to contact with steroids and local anesthetics, it may cause scarring, adhesions and damage to these vital structures.
Repeated use of steroids may cause more damage to the joint, causing thinning and eventual destruction of bone and cartilage contributing to osteoporosis (loss of bone mass), osteoarthritis (lack of protective cushioning and damage of the cartilage due to bone damage and growth of spurs on the contacting bone surfaces) and even osteonecrosis (bone tissue death at site of injection). Steroid injections also cause thinning of the ligaments and tendons increasing fibrosis and lack of elasticity (hardening) and tensile strength of these tissue fibers, promote spontaneous ruptures.
You may check articles like:
Mayoclinic.com: “Cortisone shot risks” and “Long Term Side Effects of Steroid Injections”
Are there any safer alternatives to diminish joint pain and inflammation other than using steroids in injectables and oral presentations?
Natural and Regenerative Injection Therapy
There are several kinds of injections that are very effective, safe and natural and provide longer lasting results without the damaging side effects of the steroid injections. The main three types of Regenerative Injections are: Prolotherapy, Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Prolozone.
Other injection procedures like Neural Therapy, Homeopathic and Vitamin Injections could be discussed at a later time.
Prolotherapy means “proliferative (production, regeneration, growth) therapy”. These injections are administered into the periosteum of the bone where the ligaments and tendons that stabilize a joint, enter the bone to be attached. Ptolotherapy with Dextrose solutions will help the periosteal attachment of ligaments and tendons bigger, thicker and stronger, so that they can increase the stability of the joint, improve the patient’s level of function and safety, and gradually diminish pain and dissability.
The injection cocktail is prepared with a mix of Dextrose, vitamins, minerals and/or natural irritants that cause proliferation / growth of tissues. The patient will experience localized and marked inflammation on the sites where the proliferative agents are injected, and usually there might be a temporary increase in discomfort for about 3-4 days while the body mounts the proper inflammatory cascade to repair, regenerate and remodel tendons and ligaments and improve contact and weight bearing bony surfaces.
Not everybody may feel encouraged with the possibility of having to handle a sudden increase in pain, restriction of movement, diminished weight bearing and intense localized inflammation for 2 to 4 days, before starting to feel stronger and better. Even though Prolotherapy may cause a localized increased in discomfort during the first days following the injection of the proliferative agents; it is an economical and effective way to help improve joint stability, enhance patient’s level of function and delay the degenerative osteo-arthritic and disabling process.
Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
PRP is the most modern, safe and effective technology used in USA for Heart Surgery to aid with wound healing, enhance speed of recovery and diminish blood loss and for Orthopedic purposes since 1990’s. It is also used to heal wounds and burns faster, to aid in localized hair growth, and to promote facial and skin rejuvenation.
PRP injection help joints regenerate, reducing chronic pain, diminishing inflammation, and dramatically increasing functionality.
The patient’s own blood is drawn in to specially prepared vacutainers and placed on a centrifuge to separate the different kinds of cells.
The platelets in the plasma release tissue forming and healing substances known as “Growth Factors”. The growth factors are activated with minerals forming a “Thrombin Serum” that when injected in to the affected connective tissues and bony surfaces, is going to come in contact with the patient’s own stem cells and macrophages and give the signal for progressive and sustained regeneration of cartilage, tendons, muscles, blood vessels, nerve tissue, fascia, skin, bursa, bone and ligaments.
PRP, Ozone, Prolotherapy, Manual Therapies, and Acupuncture in Orlando
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