Prolozone Injections for Dental Health
In order to give a safe and brief demonstration and to facilitate the audience’s understanding of the process, an active Health & Hope Institute’s patient with dental health issues and severe tooth pain, offered to be a “Demo person” for this educational gathering.
The patient had previously received two successful treatments that helped the bone around the root of the tooth proliferate, get healthier and stronger. After the second Prolozone injection procedure, the tooth was no longer loose, the gums were revitalized and healthier, the infection had subsided with no use of antibiotic and she no longer had pain.

The patient had a loose tooth and when she went to a Dentist he diagnosed her with a tooth fracture that had an infectious abscess at the root and inflammation in the gums.
Observing Clean Needle Technique (CNT) the patient was provided Neural Therapy injections and Prolozone injections in to her gums for improvement of gums circulation and teeth health, enhanced elasticity, nourishment and resilience of soft tissues, prevention and management of a mild infection, tissue healing and relief from pain.
PRP, Ozone, Prolotherapy, Manual Therapies, and Acupuncture in Orlando
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